History of the Russian-language indigenous people of Latvia
Eternal symbols of the Russian-language indigenous people of Latvia
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Old Orthodox, Grebenshchikova church in Riga |
![]() Table on the Old Orthodox, Grebenshchikova Church in Riga в Риге |
![]() Orthodox Cathedral in Riga |
![]() Table on the Orthodox Cathedral in Riga |
Great Choral Synagogue was in Riga, on Gogol street, 25 (at the junction with Dzirnavu Street), built in 1871, in 1941 fathoms. (Old Photography).
![]() Russian Theatre in Riga, founded in 1883. (Kalkju 16) |
![]() The central entrance to the Russian Theatre in Riga. |
The inscription above the main entrance to the Russian Theatre in Riga
The first historical information about living of Russian-language people on the territory of present Latvia are meeting even before the 11th century. First of all, we will want to note that in this case in our statements we are not based on many evidence of the existence on the territory of Old Riga of the Russian village with Orthodox church of Saint Nicholas, and also the participation of a large number of Old Believers (who arrived after the split of the Russian Orthodox Church) at the base of Duke Jacob of Courland and cities Yakobshtadt Kreizburg (Ekabpils and Krustpils), were once part of Courland and Vitebsk provinces and events even more ancient history - base of Aluksne (year of settlement in its place, known as Olysta or Volyst, Set in Pskov chronicles as 1284-d).
Official legitimate, internationally established (confirmed by historical documents - contracts) history of the Russian-language indigenous people began in 1721, when it was finished the Great Northern War between Sweden and Russia (1700 - 1721).
(See the link)
At the end of the Great Northern War (in 1721) was concluded Nistadt peace treaty between Russia and Sweden. According this treaty (including) Liflandia (part of present Latvia - Vidzeme) with Riga on always were transferred by Sweden (which owned up to that time this territory) into the possession of Russia as the winning country. Russia has paid compensation to Sweden 2,000,000 thalers (1.3 million gold rubles), which at that time was quite a considerable amount (sum)!
(See the link)
In addition, during the Great Northern War (as a result of the siege of 1709 - 1710 Russian army under the command of general fieldmarshal Count Boris Sheremetev) was conquered the city Riga. And 13 (24) July 1710 in Riga solemnly on a white horse rode general-fieldmarshal Count Boris Sheremet and him as the winner, magistrate of Riga gave two golden keys from the city Riga, which are now stored in the Armory Museum in Moscow ( Museums of Moscow Kremlin).
(See the link)
Later, in 1772 (according to the St. Petersburg Convention) to Russia (after the partition of Rzeczpospolita) was attached the Polish part of Livonia (part of present Latvia - Latgale)
(See the link)
And in 1795 according request chivalry and zemstvo of Kurland about acceptance Kurland under Russian protection and Manifesto of the Empress Catherine II about attaching to Russia the Duchy of Courland and Semigalskogo and Piltenskogo Counties, Kurland (part of present Latvia - Kurzeme and Zemgale) was incorporated into the Russian Empire.
(See the link)
Former importance of Lifland, Courland and Vitebsk provinces of the Russian Empire is difficult to overestimate. The city Riga according it significant was third after St. - Petersburg and Moscow, proof of it are visits to Riga Russian rulers (tsars).
(See examples through the links)
Another proof can serve present station Riga in Moscow, which the original name was Vindavsky Station (1901god, Moscow-Vindavsky railway) by name of city Vindava (present port city Ventspils).
And begun from, at least since 1721 (since the early 18th century) to the present day (including the period begining of the Latvian Republic ), more than 300 years on the territory of present Latvia on the above mentioned official, legitimate, internationally-established grounds as owners (indigenous people) live the Russian-language people ( Russian-language indigenous people consisting of representatives of several national minorities united by Russian language), who came from various regions of the Russian Empire. As evidenced, in particular, the results of "The first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897."
Summary table of data of The first general census of the Russian Empire, 1897
Lifland province (present-day Vidzeme is part of this province) | Courland province (present-day Kurzeme and Zemgale) | Vitebsk province (present-day Latgale is part of this province) | Total according the native language | |
Russian | 68.124 | 25.630 | 144.592 | 238.346 |
Ukrainians | 638 | 363 | ----- | 1.001 |
Belarusians | 852 | 12.283 | ----- | 13.135 |
Poles | 15.132 | 19.688 | 30.656 | 65.476 |
Lithuanians | 6.594 | 16.531 | 1.290 | 24.415 |
Latvians | 563.829 | 505.994 | 253.741 | 1.323.564 |
Germans | 98.573 | 51.017 | 4.726 | 154.316 |
Jews | 23.728 | 37.689 | 63.833 | 125.250 |
Estonians | 518.594 | ----- | ----- | 518.594 |
Other | 3.301 | 4.839 | 1.943 | 10.083 |
Total: | 1.299.365 | 674.034 | 500.781 | 2.474.180 |
(See through the links)
In addition, confirmation of the above are numerous monuments of architecture "built" (created) by Russian-language inhabitants.
(See examples through the links)
, sculptural monuments
(See through the link)
,original (first) names of the streets of Riga (before 1918)
(See through the link)
,documents from the clerical work of the City Council of Riga
(See examples through the link)
Exists many historical evidence confirming, the facts, that when the territory of present Latvia was during 200 years the part of the Russian Empire, this territory was economically highly developed.
(See through the link)
These historical facts show that not later than begining of 18th century, long before appearing of the state with name the Latvian Republic , the Russian language - language of the Russian-language indigenous people (language of the Russian Empire) was present on the territory of present Latvia (former part of Lifland province, Courland province, part of Vitebsk province)
(See through the link)
Distinctive symbols of continuity of generations of Russian-language indigenous people inhabiting the territory of present Latvia, are: acting on the territory of Latvia, Old Believer community, annual Days of Russian Culture in Latvia (this tradition began in 1925), working Orthodox and Old Believers churches which were built in the 18th-19th centuries, working Russian theater, which was opened in Riga in 1883.
Russian Theatre in Riga in 2013 celebrated its 130th anniversary!